Who is this human who now instructs her partner to take a picture real quick while she whips off her shirt to show her macrame boobs to the world?! Something happened to me when I became a creative entrepreneur, and all of a sudden I got real comfortable with naked ambition. Seriously, I think it can be hard for women to show unbridled ambition to the world. I used to have a hard time even being able to say what I wanted out loud. But it’s in creating things that I found that voice: I know exactly what I want to make, I know that I’ll eventually figure out how to go about making it, I know that I’ll be proud to show it off once it’s done—and open to admit that pride, even. The first time I showed my face in my feed, I can still remember that hurtle, that fear of asking the insta world to literally like me. It wasn’t too long ago that I was afraid of feeling the vulnerability that comes with this platform. Now I’m confident enough to say fuck it, I wanna be making these macrame tits until the cows come home, and that stripped down ambition right there is a beautiful thing.